Half of Syrian children out of school in Turkey

Half of all Syrian refugee children have no access to education, thousands of them being obligated to attend 'schools' controlled by jihadist groups
An illegal school in Turkey.
Friday, 02 June 2017 06:20

170 thousand of Syrian refugee children attend Turkish education institutions; around 300 thousand of them are schooled in Temporary Education Centers (TEC), according to official numbers. There are more than one million Syrian refugee children between the ages of 5-18 in Turkey.  

While non-Syrian refugees have almost no access to education, thousands of Syrian children fall into the hands of the schools controlled by Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other jihadist groups. 

According to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), there are 42 thousand non-Syrian immigrants and refugee school-age children in Turkey and there is no information about their schooling level. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has taken no steps for these children.

There are around 3 million refugees, of whose 2.8 million is Syrian, in 80 million-populated Turkey. The children refugees who are not enrolled in education, as well as the adult ones, work under inhumane conditions becoming a source of the cheap labour force for the capitalists of Turkey.