'The flood in İstanbul is result of unplanned urbanization'

Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects' (TMMOB) said that the floods that caused chaos across İstanbul are the results of the wrong policies of the administrations
Friday, 28 July 2017 22:57

Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects' (TMMOB) released a statement on the flood that struck İstanbul on July 27 and stated the main reason of the dramatic scenes is not the climate change but the unplanned urbanization, inadequate infrastructure and the rent-seeking local administrations.

In the statement of TMMOB Board of Directors, it was stated that the annihilation of the forested lands in Turkey has destroyed the natural structure of the cities, and the only way to prevent bigger catastrophes is to end the urbanization policies based on rent-seeking policies and to follow scientific methods.