“Boycott all courier companies”, demands courier workers of Turkey

After the courier company Yurtiçi laid-off a worker due to alleged ''lack of performance'', Turkey's worker solidarity network PE calls for a boycott towards all courier companies.
Tuesday, 14 April 2020 20:17

Turkey’s worker solidarity network PE (We Breathe Down The Bosses’ Neck) reports that last Friday, a worker was laid off due to “lack of performance” from the Yurtiçi courier company. Yurtiçi Kargo Workplace Committee of PE calls for a boycott of all courier companies and hearing the voices of workers.

At high risk of COVID-19 infection and the heavy workload due to coronavirus pandemic, courier workers have had hard times. Yurtiçi courier workers have been organizing in the previous days, establishing a workplace committee.

Last Friday, Yurtiçi Kargo Workplace Committee of PE held their first protest on social media for their demands to be accepted. Yesterday, Turkey’s worker solidarity network PE received the news that a worker was laid off.

The committee’s full statement is as follows:

“While workers complain about the heavy workload, lack of staff and bad working conditions during coronavirus pandemic, a Yurtiçi courier worker has been laid off under cover of ‘lack of performance.’

We ask the company management: Why?

Are your shipments more important than our health?

During these self-quarantine days, courier companies are continuing to operate and laying their workers complaining about the pandemic off unfairly!

Courier companies increase their profits during pandemics since people have to shop online via courier services, which causes overload. Although many sectors are closed, courier services continue to work due to supply-demand relationship. Although courier workers carry on their works without enough precautions, people continue to use courier services. Workers are nothing before courier companies. As courier companies are being used by people, no measures or precautions will be taken, which forces workers to work for fear of unemployment. We call all our citizens for hearing the workers who are blacklisted, blackmailed and threatened for complaining about this situation.

Do not use and boycott all the courier companies!”