Turkish police detain dozens for wearing 'Hero' T-shirt

Turkish police have over the last week detained at least 20 people for wearing a T-shirt with a slogan the authorities argue is a veiled message backing the one of the masterminds of last year's failed coup
Gökhan Güçlü wore the "HERO" T-shirt to his court hearing on July 13.
Saturday, 29 July 2017 17:38

More than 20 people have been detained by Turkish police for wearing a white T-shirt with the word "HERO" written on it in block letters.

The controversy erupted on July 13 when a suspect tried over an alleged plot to assassinate Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the coup night, Gökhan Güçlü, was photographed going into court wearing the white "Hero" T-shirt.

The day following Güçlü court appearance, a crowd of Erdoğan supporters gathered outside the courthouse where they hung another white T-shirt embroidered with the word "TRAITOR" on it from a noose.

This prompted outrage on social media, with users saying it was an insult to the 249 people killed at the hands of the coup plotters. Erdoğan said that coup suspects should in future wear Guantanamo-style prison jumpsuits.

Those detained have included a relative of one of the accused over the coup who attended a trial in Ankara wearing the "HERO" T-shirt. While most have been released, at least one person has been arrested after he tried entering a courtroom wearing it. Those remanded in custody have been accused of making "propaganda for a terrorist group". 


A couple were arrested in Antalya for wearing the T-shirt. The young couple in Antalya, were spotted wearing matching T-shirts on a motorbike and then chased down by police.

A waiter working in a luxury hotel in the Mediterranean resort of Antalya was arrested after witnesses saw him wearing the T-shirt while going to work.