Syrian kid without ID dies for lack of cure

AKP fostered jihadists while poor Syrians live in unsecured conditions in Turkey
Thursday, 05 January 2017 01:44

7-year-old Syrian child died of sickness in the southern Turkish city of Antalya because he was rejected from four hospitals since he did not have a valid ID card.

İzzettin Ahmed (30), a Syrian construction worker in Antalya, was informed while he was working that his 7-year-old son Ali İzzettin Ahmed became sick. Taking his son who was running a fever, the Syrian father went to Antalya Training and Research Hospital for medical treatment. Asked for a valid identity, however, father İzzet Ahmad and his son were rejected at the hospital even though he said they were Syrian.


Rejected by all the four hospitals, they went to see a doctor; father İzzet Ahmed had to bring his son home. 7-year-old Ali Ahmed died in bed early in the morning. After a medical equip officially identified the death of the kid, the kid was sent to a cemetery following a post-mortem examination.

Father İzzettin Ahmed said, “My son Ali İzzettin was running a fever. We desperately went to many hospitals; however, we were rejected since we did not have the identity card. We had to return to home. Now I have two more sons. I do not know what to do if they live the same thing. We cannot send them to school. At least they should have medical treatment.”


Since the outbreak of the devastating war in Syria, which has been backed and funded by the West, Turkey and the Gulf monarchies, hundreds of al-Qaeda affiliated jihadists are reported to have benefitted from medical care in Turkish hospitals.

While most of the poor Syrian refugees have had to live in Turkey without medical and educational insurances and rights, the ruling AKP party that backed and hosted jihadists who were fighting the Syrian government and armed forces enacted regulatory laws in order to provide the jihadists with medical care under the auspices of the Turkish Health Ministry.

Apart from the regulatory adjustments that allowed hundreds of jihadists to go back Syria for fighting after having medical care in Turkey, some special "jihadist hospitals" were established particularly in the cities such as Gaziantep along the Turkish/Syrian border.

Many Arabic “official” notices sealed by the Islamic Front exist showing that they wanted help from the Turkish authorities to carry out medical care for the jihadists who were fighting in Syria. Hundreds of fighters are reported to have had treatment in “special” hospitals that were operated and funded by the AKP government in Turkey.