Occupational murder in Turkey

A 53-year-old worker Hüseyin Avni Gökçe who fell from the fourth floor of the construction he was working in Karaman, the south central Anatolian province of Turkey, lost his life
Wednesday, 22 March 2017 07:00

In Karaman, the south central Anatolian province of Turkey, a 53-year-old worker working at a construction on Hacı Celal District fell from the fourth floor. Gökçe, who was taken to the hospital, could not be saved despite all medical attentions.


It was neither the first nor the last occupational murder under the ruling Justice and Development Party government which continuously attacks labour rights through legislative regulations promoting the domination of the capitalist class over the workers.

According to an occupational health and safety report prepared by the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects in March 2017, it is noted that the number of occupational murders in Turkey is up 6 times higher, and the highest increase in occupational murders is in the construction sector by 40 percent. The report considers that the fundamental reason behind the increasing in intensity of occupational murders in the construction sector is lawless and unregulated privatisations of this line of work. 426 workers working in the construction sector were killed in occupational murders last year in Turkey.