New curricula in Turkey: 'Jihad is a religious duty'

"The dignity of the veiled woman has been saved. Jihad is a fardh [religious duty] for Muslims" Turkey’s Ministry of National Education's textbooks state in their new curricula
Friday, 08 September 2017 00:24

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) has begun to upload textbooks prepared in accordance with the new reactionary curriculum to the Educational Informatics Network (EBA). Statements praising the concept of jihad and Islamist misogyny in that have appeared in the new textbooks have sparked a debate.


In a textbook named "The Life of the Prophet Muhammad" for the 11th graders, it is stated that "religious veiling became a fardh [religious duty] along with the forbiddance of alcohol and gambling in the fifth year of Hegira [the migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, or Medina]".

A verse from the Koran is also being used in the textbooks. Referring to the verse, the textbook states that "the practice of veiling was organized in accordance to gender. Thus, in veiling the women’s dignity has been ensured, as respect towards her has increased."


"Jihad, in its broadest sense, includes fighting with all your life, property, words and actions for the sake of Allah (c.c). In this sense, jihad includes both economic, cultural and armed struggle. Jihad means fighting for the sake of Allah in the widest sense," according to the textbook on "Fiqh" [Islamic law] used in Anatolian Imam Hatip high schools.

Stating that the concept of jihad is incorrectly used in our day, the textbooks also write that "the most inconvenient aspect of acts of violence under the name of jihad is the implementation of these un-Islamic actions in the name of religion. The use of Islamic rhetoric by terrorist groups should not discourage Muslims from using their own concepts but rather the accurate forms of concepts should be written and explained by religious scholars to illuminate the people."


"When Islamic scholars emphasize the general meaning of jihad, it becomes clear that jihad is a fardh for all Muslims", according to a textbook for "Basic Religious Knowledge" classes, an elective course for all high school students. 

The textbooks published by Turkey’s Ministry of National Education also claims on that the concept of jihad today is being highlighted particularly by anti-Islamists who equate it with some negative examples in order to paint jihad as something to be avoided and to introduce Muslims with a negative perception of this concept.


Meanwhile, social media has been also incorporated into the reactionary curricula of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

"It should not be forgotten that social media activity is not removed from the presence of Allah. Trying to gain access to other persons' information and operating systems without permission is a violation of their rights. Bear in mind that these kinds of actions are a sort of theft…It must be known that everything forbidden by Allah in real life is also forbidden by religion in the virtual world – this includes forbidden acts of sexuality, alcohol, and violent publications" according to a textbook on "Islamic Ethics" that will be used in courses that will be taught in Anatolian Imam Hatip high schools this year.