Communist Party of Turkey: Imperialism will be defeated, the Latin American peoples will triumph!

"We know that this bloody attempt of the counterrevolutionaries targeting Maduro actually targets the ideals of the Venezuelan people and the working class for a dignified and egalitarian life; the public establishments, the organization of the people and their capacity to fight for this cause"
Monday, 06 August 2018 22:01

On Saturday August 4th, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro was the target of an assassination attempt during a military ceremony. The attack was conducted with a drone loaded with C-4 explosives which wounded seven Venezuelan soldiers. Although the attack seems to have been undertaken by a group of militia, there is no doubt the collaboration of Venezuela's right-wing opposition and imperialism is in the backstage of it, Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) said in a statement.

"US imperialism is hammering all the progressive powers in Latin America to turn the continent once again to its backyard by using all means, including economic blockades, operations, sabotages, military coups and armed interventions. It becomes more aggressive as it faces the resistance of the conscious Venezuelan people, making use of its militia to reach its goal, without hesitating to use brutal methods in public spaces. Today's attack is the last example of these attempts," the statement said. 

Maduro said everything points to a right-wing plot that initial investigation suggested was linked to Colombia and the U.S. state of Florida, where many Venezuelan exiles live. Several perpetrators were caught, he said, without elaborating.

"We know that this bloody attempt of the counterrevolutionaries targeting Maduro actually targets the ideals of the Venezuelan people and the working class for a dignified and egalitarian life; the public establishments, the organization of the people and their capacity to fight for this cause. Such outrageous attacks are doomed to fail in casting shadows on this ideal, on the achievements of the Bolivarian Republic, on the Venezuelan people's culture of resistance and on the hope for revolution. Imperialism will be defeated, the Latin American peoples will triumph," TKP said.