Communist Initiative: We honour the invaluable contributions of Marx on his 200th birthday

The European Communist Initiative which is formed by the communist and workers’ parties from Europe including the Communist Party of Turkey has released a statement to commemorate the 200th birthday of Marx. The member parties of the European Communist Initiative honoured Karl Marx and his invaluable contributions to ongoing class struggle
Sunday, 06 May 2018 16:26

The European Communist Initiative which is formed by the communist and workers’ parties from Europe including the Communist Party of Turkey has released a statement to commemorate the 200th birthday of Marx. Referring to the 11th thesis in the introduction, the statement reminded of the decisive contributions of Marxist worldview as well to the economic, political and philosophical thought of humanity.

Although it has been a target of uncountable opportunist and bourgeois distortions, the statement underlined that Marx’s work remains intact and continues to play an irreplaceable role in the development of class struggle. The member parties of the European Communist Initiative honoured Karl Marx and his invaluable contributions to ongoing class struggle.

"The unparalleled works of Marx, as well as those of Engels and Lenin, constitute the Marxist-Leninist worldview. They have inspired and guided the working class in order to fulfil its revolutionary mission, to overthrow capitalism and construct the socialist communist society," the statement said. 

"Marx’s work, although it has been on the receiving end of uncountable opportunist and bourgeois distortions and every kind of deformation in the name of Marxism until today, remains intact and continues to play an irreplaceable role in the development of class struggle," it added.

The Parties of the European Communist Initiative honour Karl Marx and his invaluable contribution by continuing the struggle in their countries in order for Marxism-Leninism to win the workers’ and people’s consciousness.

"We continue the ideological political confrontation with bourgeois and opportunist theories, we substantiate with our Marxist-Leninist worldview and our activity the need for the working class to emancipate itself and in alliance with the other poor popular strata to overthrow bourgeois power, capitalist barbarity and construct the new world, socialism-communism. With faith and commitment, with revolutionary optimism we struggle every day responding to the timely internationalist calling: PROLETARIANS OF ALL COUNTRIES UNITE!"

Read the full statement here.