Censor to advertisement because of the word 'no'

It is claimed that the big market chain censored its new advisement because it contains dialogues emphasising the word “no”
Sunday, 05 February 2017 16:42

It is claimed that the big market chain censored its new advisement because it contains dialogues emphasising the word “no” and would create a reaction from the AKP for the presidential constitution referendum.

Barış Yarkadaş, lawmaker from main opposition party CHP reacts Metro supermarket chain’s decision to withdraw its new advertisement claiming that it is due to the dialogues that emphasise the word “no”, which could be understood as an allusion to the referendum vote, that opposes the changes in constitution and aims to convert Turkey from a republic into a dictatorship-like presidentship.

Yarkadaş called the business and advertisement world saying "do not be afraid of saying no; “no” will set us all free” and shared two advertisements of Metro brand. Yarkadaş claimed that “the company only broadcasted the first version, which contains a lot of no in it but then withdrew it.”

In his social media accounts, Yarkadaş pointed out that company shot a second version of this advertisement because they were afraid to fall victim to political power’s wrath. 

“Now, I’ll share two ads… Both have been shot for Metro market. First one was broadcasted just once and then destroyed. Do you want to know why? Because; the ones who seek quality in the first ad were inspecting the products to be able to make better production and they were saying “No, this can't happen, no”. The company was afraid of this ad with “no” and pulled it back. Instead, they put a second one. Fear has already crossed the mountains.”


“Turkey is entering the referendum phase in oppression and fear. Companies are afraid to broadcast ads that contain the word “no”. The company, who is afraid to fall victim to political power’s wrath put a man in the second ad instead of the woman in the first one. For this reason; we say “no” to overcome the fear.bDo not be afraid to say a mouthful no… No will set us all free, and crush the handcuffs that intend to shackle our minds and hearts," Yarkadaş added.