Attacked woman for wearing shorts reacts: Other passengers supported attacker on minibus'

The young woman, who was attacked on a minibus for 'wearing shorts during Ramadan' in İstanbul's Pendik district, reacted the situation and also said that the other passengers did not protect her but supported the attacker
Wednesday, 21 June 2017 04:24

A female university student, who was attacked on a minibus on June 14 in İstanbul’s Pendik district just because ‘she wore shorts’, reacted the situation and talked about the incident. The young woman said that she was punched in the face after insults, “Don’t you feel ashamed of wearing like this during Ramadan?”, adding that the other passengers also supported the attacker.

The 21-year-old woman went to a state hospital to take doctor report after having been attacked. She said: “As soon as I got on the minibus, he said, ‘Should anyone wear like this during Ramadan? Are you not ashamed of wearing like this?’. I replied, ‘So do not look at me,’”  


“I put on my earphone at that moment. I did not want to hear them”, the young woman said, adding that the other people on the minibus supported the molester man during the quarrel.

Then the man in his thirties who was grumbling around her threw a punch. The woman continued: “I suddenly felt a pain on my jaw because I hit the window. I shouted and grasped him in the arm. I waited for help. However, no one came. That guy hit me again. The driver was just watching there. I fell down just as I was punched. He fled, nobody followed him.”


The young woman said that the police came to help while she was lying on the ground. Then the woman went to a police station for filing a complaint. Despite the young student identified the attacker via the minibus’ security cam, she asked for the punishment of the attacker who was just released after he was questioned by the police.

The attacked woman concluded: “My parents never hit me. I have never been exposed to violence. After I experienced this incident, my close friends told me, ‘We warned you, we told you so,’. I was not surprised at such replies. People think that I deserve this if I wear like this. Even the beating does not change this situation."